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Top rated - Dhamma Talks and Teachings
12_Human_Problems.mp3Human Problems1428 views55555
(1 votes)
08_Dana_Sila_Bhavana.mp3Dana, Sila, Bhavana1773 views55555
(1 votes)
04_Rebirth_and_Conception.mp33. The Nature of Kamma & Rebirth1308 viewsWhat is Kamma? Why are there inequalities of mankind? Is everything due to Kamma? Can Kamma be changed? Is the Buddhist doctrine of Rebirth a mere theory or an evidentially based verifiable fact? What is the cause of rebirth? How does rebirth take place on the Buddha’s teaching of no-soul?55555
(1 votes)
Track03_Suffering_Should_Be_Welcomed_-_Suffering_Has_Been_Welcome.mp3Suffering Should be Welcome - Suffering Has Been Welcome984 views55555
(1 votes)
12_Kamma_Aggacitta.mp312. What is consciousness?839 viewsTo what extent do we believe in kamma? The fine line between fatalism and belief in kamma. An edited Dhamma discourse given by Ven. Ayasama Aggacitta - with Q & A55555
(2 votes)
Tubten_Pende-Ethics_for_New_Millennium_pt1.mp3Ethics for the New Millennium (Part 1)1838 viewsA Lecture Series Based on the Bestseller 'Ethics for the New Millennium' by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. (Part 1)

This lecture series highlights the universal, ethical principles that anyone can apply in daily life, based on the practical guidelines provided by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in his book Ethics For The New Millennium. Everyday we are confronted with ethical choices of right and wrong, for which we often turn to wisdom traditions for guidance, as our own future happiness as well as that of others is affected by our choice. His Holiness provides universal guidelines that anyone can benefit from whether they follow a particular religion or not.
(2 votes)
14_Kamma_Aggacitta.mp314. How can I prevent the mind from wandering?946 viewsTo what extent do we believe in kamma? The fine line between fatalism and belief in kamma. An edited Dhamma discourse given by Ven. Ayasama Aggacitta - with Q & A44444
(3 votes)
M03_Mind.mp3The Mind1862 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: The Mind (32 mins) 44444
(10 votes)
M07_PaticcaSamuppada1.mp3Paticca Samuppada (Part 1)1902 viewsCollection of Dhamma Talks in America: Paticca Samuppada (Part 1)
(44 mins)
(6 votes)
Track00_Intuitive_Awareness_22_Mar_2001_Ajahn_Sumedho.mp3Intuitive Awareness1733 views44444
(2 votes)
117 files on 12 page(s) 1

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