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19_Track_19.mp3THE FLOWER OF MANKIND1362 viewsRohini rippled its water
Tinged with the moonlit tide,
Mountainous high sumeru
Gazed on with wondering pride.
Planets in their starry orbits
Stopped for a while in pace,
Gods in their shaken heavens
Down to the earth they race.
Birds in their flaming feathers,
Beasts in their vest of Gold,
Fish on the water’s surface
Make themselves dare be bold.
Skies grey have lost their darkness,
Silver’s moon shines in state,
Lotuses open in glory,
Honouring Gautama great!
He’s sunder’s life’s big secret,
He’s measur’d life’s big dawn,
He knows the way and watchword,
Flower of Mankind is born!
     (6 votes)

14_Track_14.mp3BUDDHIST DOXOLOGY1629 viewsBright shineth the sun in his splendor by day,
And bright the moon’s radiance by night;
Bright shineth the hero in battle array,
And the sage in his thought shineth bright.
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright.
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light;
But by day and by night, none so glorious and bright
As Lord Buddha, the Source of all Spiritual Light.     (4 votes)

06_Inspiration.mp36. Go Forth With Valiant Heart (Songs)936 views     (1 votes)