
bud-myanmar.pdfBuddhism in Myanmar - A Short History4338 viewsThis book traces the earliest contact with Buddhism in Mayanmar (Burma); the Mon and Pyu Kingdoms. Theravada Buddhism comes to Pagan; Pagan: its flowering and decline. The Shan rule. The Mayanmar build an Empire. The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

bud-srilanka.pdfBuddhism in Sri Lanka, A Short History3240 viewsThis book deals with Buddhism in Sri Lanka from the time of its introduction in 250 B.C. in the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa, up to Buddhism in Sri Lanka in the first half of the twentieth century, and the Buddha Jayanti and after.

bud-thailand.pdfBuddhism in Thailand2842 viewsThis is a history of Buddhism in Thailand - the Land of Yellow Robes. Its past and present. The Bhikkhu Sangha or the Order of monks: the two Sects or Nikayas. Wats (Temples) and Monks. The Laity. Buddhist organisations and the revival of Buddhism in Thailand.

buddhinthai.pdfBuddhism in Thailand2313 viewsThis work presents facts and figures about the current condition of Buddhism in Thailand, historical background sketches of the establishment and growth of the Buddhist community in Thailand and information on Buddhist education in Thailand. (9-10 December, 2002).

Footprints_of_the_Buddha.pdfFootprints of the Buddha4498 viewsPligrimage to Buddhist India. This booklet was written for you so you can understand the significance of the most sacred Buddhist places in India. It is in these places that the Buddha dwell and left his footprints 2600 years ago. Thousands of devoted and wise persons in the world have venerated these sacred and holy places by touching the earth with their foreheads, on which the Buddha has trodden.

rbddh10.pdfRecord of Buddhistic Kingdoms3189 viewsFa-Hien was a Chinese monk of the Eastern dynasty (4th-5th Century). In 399 he left China for India, finally arriving there after six years of hard travel. After studying Sanskrit and obtaining many Sanskrit texts of the Tripitaka (Buddhist canon), he returned to China by sea in 414. This text is an Account by Fa-Hien of his travels in India and Ceylon (A.D. 399-414) in Search of the Buddhist Books of Discipline. Translated and annotated with a Corean recension of the Chinese text by James Legge.

wheel085.pdfBuddhism in Thailand - Its Past and Its Present1694 viewsJudging from archaeological finds and other historical evidence, it is safe to say that Buddhism first reached Thailand when the country was inhabited by a racial stock of people known as the Mon-Khmer who then had their capital, Dvárávati, at a city now known as Nakon Pathom about 50 kilometers to the west of Bangkok. The great pagoda at Nakon Pathom, Phra Pathom Chedi and other historical findings in other parts of the country testify to this fact as well as to the fact that Buddhism, in its varied forms, reached Thailand at four different periods, namely: I. Theraváda or Southern Buddhism II. Maháyána or Northern Buddhism III. Burma (Pagan) Buddhism IV. Ceylon (LankavaÃsa) Buddhism.