Last additions - The Vipassana Retreat - Ven. Pannyavaro |

bd3360a583543c41b0db1adef00426e4.jpg671 viewsOct 19, 2014

sc184215.jpg643 viewsOct 19, 2014

sc184287.jpg654 viewsOct 19, 2014

12_Continuing-practice-home.mp3(12) Continuing the Practice at Home1639 viewsAfter a retreat, the challenge of continuing the practice at home needs to be considered. Strategies and advice on how to cope with the daily routine and incorporating the practice into daily life is given.Jul 29, 2009

08_Paying-attention-feelings.mp3(8) Paying Attention to Feelings2773 viewsThe Buddha said: "All things converge in Feelings", so paying attention to feelings, whether they are pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent is the is the primary focus in Vipassana meditation.Jul 29, 2009

10_At-six-sense-doors.mp3(10) At the Six-Sense Doors2324 viewsThis is an orientation to Sense Doors or sense spheres: i.e. the five senses as well as the mind itself.Jul 29, 2009

11_Support-loving-kindness.mp3(11) The Support of Loving-Kindness1864 viewsLoving-kindness as a concentration based meditation is used to uplift and sweeten the mind, which compliments the Vipassana practice. Jul 29, 2009

09_Investigating-bodys-reality.mp3(9) Investigating the Body's Reality2005 viewsInvestigating the Body's Reality is based on the Buddha's words in the Dhammapada: "They awaken, always wide awake: Gautama Buddha's disciples whose mindfulness, both day and night, is constantly immersed in the body". Dhp 299 Jul 29, 2009

07_Clearly-knowing-daily-activities.mp3(7) Clearly Knowing Daily Activities2203 viewsClearly Knowing Daily Activities requires one to have full knowledge of what one is doing as one is doing it - i.e. having present moment awareness.Jul 29, 2009

03_Framework-for-practice.mp3(3) Framework for the Practice2807 viewsThe Framework for the Practice is based on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Satipatthana Sutta): Body, Feelings, Mind States, and Mind Objects.Jul 29, 2009